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XN Resource Editor CrackedNajlepszy program do edycji .exe i .dll .[br /] RAPIDSHARE:[br /] :: http://rapidshare.com/files/166665107/xn_resourceeditor_setup.exe.html ::[br /] ODSIEBIE(NoLimit)[br /] :: http://odsiebie.com/pokaz/1015431---8580.html ::[br /] Opis:[br /] :: Here's the latest version of my popular Resource Editor - brought up to date with XP Manifest, Accelerator table and .RC file support.[br /] [br /] XNResourceEditor works with all resource files (.RES) and PE modules (.EXE, .DLL, etc.) but it has special knowledge of modules written in Delphi. It can display all the modules that comprise a Delphi program, and let you edit the properties of the components used on Delphi forms.[br /] [br /] And unusually XNResourceEditor can modify PE modules - even if you use Windows 98![br /] [br /] To compile XNResourceEditor you'll need to install the Resource Editor Components package that comes with the source download, together with my Miscellaneous Components package (make sure you've got the latest version). You'll also ... |
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